CSWEP Call for Abstracts – CSWEP Sessions @ 2017 American Economic Association Meeting
Chicago, IL - Hyatt Regency Chicago, January 6-8, 2017
Deadline: March 7, 2016.
CSWEP invites abstract submissions for paper presentation at six CSWEP-sponsored sessions at the 2017 ASSA/AEA Meeting in Chicago.
Two sessions will be focused on Gender-related topics. Note that this year CSWEP is particularly interested in orienting one of the gender sessions around the economics of gender in the economics profession, although the decision to sponsor a session on this topic will depend on the number and quality of submissions.
Two sessions will be from the field of Educational Economics and two sessions will be from the field of Environmental/Energy Economics.
CSWEP's primary intention in organizing these sessions is to create an opportunity for junior women to present papers at economics meetings; and to provide them an opportunity to meet with and receive feedback from leading economists in their field. The term junior woman usually refers to a woman who is untenured, or who has received her PhD less than seven years ago; but could also refer to a woman who has not yet presented papers widely. Coauthors may be of either sex and may be junior or senior. Junior men may author papers in the gender-related sessions.
CSWEP sessions also aim to encourage quality research, particularly in the area of gender-related topics and in other fields dominated by men, and to encourage junior women to publish their research. As such, the organizers of the AEA sessions will select a subset the presented papers for publication in the May 2017 Papers & Proceedings issue of the American Economic Review. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit their paper for publication consideration in advance of the paper sessions.
In addition to individual paper submissions, complete session proposals may be submitted, but the papers in the session proposal will be considered individually. Duplication of paper presentation at multiple AEA Sessions is not permitted, therefore authors will be expected to notify CSWEP immediately and withdraw their abstract if their paper is accepted for a non-CSWEP session at the 2017 AEA Meeting. Similarly, authors whose paper is accepted to a 2017 CSWEP session will be expected to withdraw it from consideration by any other organization at the same meetings.
The deadline for submission is March 7, 2016.
To have research considered for the CSWEP-sponsored sessions at the 2017 AEA Meeting, the Correspondence Author must complete an online submission form and upload an abstract at:
The application form will ask for the following information:
1. Indication of submission to either the Gender-related Topics, Economics of Gender in the Economics Profession, Educational Economics or Environmental/Energy Economics sessions. Note that all applications submitted to the Economics of Gender in the Economics Profession will automatically be considered for the Gender-related Topics as well.
2. Indication of a single abstract submission or a complete session submission.
3. The Name, Title, Affiliation, Mailing Address and Email for the correspondence author or session organizer.
4. Name (s), Title(s), Affiliation(s) and Email address(es) for any coauthor(s) or for each corresponding author in a complete session submission.
The abstract should be a PDF document, with a length not to exceed two pages, double-spaced, and with a maximum of 650 words. Name the file: “Abstract_Corresponding Author Last Name-First Name.” The abstract should contain details on motivation, contribution, methodology and data (if applicable); and be clearly identified with the author(s) name(s). Completed papers may be sent but may not substitute for an abstract of the appropriate length.
Questions can be addressed to Jennifer Socey, CSWEP Admin,
Thank you!
Jennifer Socey, Admin Assistant
American Economic Association
Committee for the Status of Women in the Economics Profession
Department of Economics, Duke University
Box 90097, Durham, N.C. 27708
(ph) 919-681-4365
(fax) 919-684-8974
Dear all,
as already for 8 years we invite PhD students, young assistant professors, and researchers in central banks to our 9th BESLab Experimental Economics Summer School in Macroeconomics in Universitat Pompeu Fabra, June 13-19, 2016
. see online program and lecturers here
This week also includes an attendance at a 2 day workshop (16-17 June) within the Barcelona GSE summer forum on Theoretical and Experimental Macroeconomics. The keynote speakers workshop are In-Koo Cho (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and Albert Marcet (ICREA-IAE and Barcelona GSE).
The workshop intends to promote an active exchange and interaction of ideas and work on macroeconomic issues from behavioral, experimental, and/or theoretical approaches, and therefore seek a good mix of theory and experimental papers, jointly organized by Barcelona GSE and by BES Lab (Behavioral and Experimental Sciences Lab, before called LEEX) at Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Download Call for Papers (pdf) for workshop
Submit a Paper (apply form) for worshop
Submit a Paper (apply form) for worshop
For over 30 years, macroeconomic models have had explicit micro foundations about the behavior of firms, consumers and government agencies, leading to closer ties between micro/game theorists and macro theorists. On the applied side, the assumptions and predictions of macroeconomic models have historically been tested using non-experimental field data as collected by government agencies. An alternative empirical approach attracting increased attention is to evaluate these models using controlled laboratory settings with human subjects, minimizing noisy and confounding factors present in field data. The experimental findings can be informative about questions like equilibrium selection or the efficacy of various government policies.A recent survey on macro experiments can be found in “Macroeconomics: A Survey of Laboratory Research” by John Duffy, available here.
Organizers of workshop and summer school
Organizers of workshop and summer school
- John Duffy (University of California, Irvine)
- Frank Heinemann (Technical University of Berlin)
- Rosemarie Nagel (ICREA-UPF and Barcelona GSE)
- Shyam Sunder (Yale University)
- To see the full list of speakers and papers from the 2015 edition, download the workshop program [pdf]
- The papers of the 2015 workshop are available on the online workshop calendar.
- To see the full list of speakers and papers from the Summer Forum 2015, download the workshop program[pdf]
Speakers and papers of previous years in our workshop
For more information please contact
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